Ovsyanik D.M., Fomin A.V.
Aspects of pathomorphogenesis and diagnosing of infected pancreatic necrosis (literature review)
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infected pancreatic necrosis remain one of the most important tasks of pancreatology. The variety of currently used laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis suggests that none of them fully satisfies the needs of clinicians, as it is not always possible to reliably and timely detect the presence of infection of necrotically changed pancreatic tissues and retroperitoneal fat in patients with destructive pancreatitis. The percentage of errors in the differential diagnosis of sterile and infected pancreatic necrosis still remains high - up to 40%.
In this review the current knowledge about pathomorphogenesis of infected pancreatic necrosis has been considered and summarized. The information about the sensitivity and specificity of different methods for its diagnosis has been provided. Trends to improve the quality of diagnosis of infected pancreatic necrosis, based on the study of endothelial dysfunction have been identified. Submitted published data are the basis for clinical studies, the development of new methods for diagnosis of early signs of infected pancreatic necrosis.
Key words: infected pancreatic necrosis, acute pancreatitis, diagnosing.
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