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Bekish V.Y., Zorina V.V.
The development of combined method of human trichocephaliasis treatment

Invasion of Trichocephalus trichiurus in a person is accompanied by genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in lymphocytes of the peripheral blood of patients which are characterized by the growth in the quantity of the damaged nuclear DNA up to 5,04% and apoptotic cells up to 3,2%. DNA comet assay was applied to assess genotoxic and cytotoxic influence of parasite worms on the human body. Monotherapy with mebendazole for trichocephaliasis treatment decreases the genotoxic effect in patients’ lymphocytes but these values are reliably higher than those of blood donors. Monotherapy with mebendazole does not change the high level of apoptotic cells. It does not decrease cytotoxic effects in lymphocytes of the patients’ blood and for elimination of invasion symptoms in 40% of cases repeated using of antihelminthic drug is needed. The treatment of trichocephaliasis with albendazole eliminates genotoxic effect of invasion but does not decrease its cytotoxic effect. In 20% of patients clinicolaboratory indices of the disease remain and the eggs of parasite worms are found in feces which needs repeated use of antihelminthic drugs. The combined treatment of trichocephaliasis with albendazole, ibuprofen and vitamins complex with Se leads to complete elimination of clinical and laboratory symptoms of invasion, does not require repeated use of antihelminthic drugs, and also effectively protects the genome of patients with trichocephaliasis because of the decrease of high levels of DNA primary damages and apoptotic cells up to the levels of donors’ blood.
Key words: trichocephaliasis, combined treatment, genotoxic and cytotoxic effects.


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