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Novikov D.K., Smirnova O.V.
Immunological phenotypes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: prospects of immunocorrection

On the basis of the study of the immune status of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) for the first time two immunological phenotypes of COPD have been singled out: immunodeficient, which is clinically bronchitis and autoimmune (emphysema). It has been concluded that COPD is a syndrome of obstruction and remodulation of the bronchi that develops in genetically susceptible individuals after prolonged inhalation of toxins damaging their mucosa and causing persistent hyperergic inflammation, leading to the development of immunodeficiency - bronchitic and / or autoimmune - emphysema phenotype of COPD, the early sign of which is recurrent bronchitis. Immunocorrective therapy proper to these phenotypes has been substantiated. We performed a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the efficacy of treatment with leyargunal and immugenin. Positive clinical and immunological dynamics has been observed in patients who used immunomodulators. In the groups of patients with COPD treated with lykopid and immugenin a significant decrease in the number of exacerbations and an increase of the life quality, have been noticed which testifies to the effectiveness of COPD immunocorrection.
Key words: chronic obstructive bronchitis, immune status, phenotype.


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