Zharkova O.A., Dubovets A.V., Polyakova D.D.
Aspects of the major stomatological diseases prevention during pregnancy
The aim of the research was to study the necessity of using different methods of dental diseases prevention during pregnancy and to develop a plan of dental treatment and preventive measures for pregnant women. On the ground of the survey results a low level of awareness and motivation of pregnant women concerning the questions of dental diseases prevention during pregnancy was revealed and an urgent need to construct an algorithm of providing preventive and curative dental care to pregnant patients was determined. The plan of treatment and preventive dental measures during pregnancy requires individualization proceeding from the data of dental and general somatic status of a pregnant woman. The introduction efficiency of the elaborated plan was found on the basis of reliable positive dynamics of the main indices of the supervised pregnant women dental health beginning with the early terms of pregnancy.
Key words: pregnancy, risk factors, prevention of dental diseases.
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