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Dolin V.I., Yuris O.V.
The incidence of bruxism in the Republic of Belarus according to the data of epidemiologic research

The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of bruxism and its signs among the population of the Republic of Belarus.
Retrospective analysis of questionnaires obtained during the epidemiologic research of the adult population of the Republic of Belarus was conducted by the staff of the department of general dentistry of  SEI «BelMAPGE» in 2010. Respondents represented two age groups: 18-year-old persons and people aged 35-44 years. 1253 questionnaires were analyzed, they concerned the presence of night teeth gnashing, smoking, chronic somatic diseases, signs of  the temporomandibular joint dysfunction, dental hypersensitivity. The prevalence of abfractions and attrition was evaluated using 1503 cards of dental examination.
According to the survey, there was a tendency to the increase of night bruxism with age. Common signs of bruxism, such as tooth sensitivity associated with attrition; signs of the temporomandibular joint dysfunction; smoking, especially among males and increasing importance of endocrine disorders in adults suggest the prevalence of parafunctions in about 1/4 of the examined population. Abfractions dominate in 18-year-old people according to the dental examination. The signs of occlusal trauma in the group of persons aged 35-44 years are more marked, their main manifestation being attrition as a sign of bruxism.
The most pronounced signs of night bruxism are observed in the socially significant group (35-44 years) and testify to the prevalence of bruxism among the population of the Republic of Belarus.
Key words: prevalence, bruxism, epidemiology, muscles, abfractions, attrition.


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