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Аdamenko G.V., Burak I.I.
Production technology and quality evaluation of electrochemically activated solutions

Nowadays electrolyzed sodium hypochlorite solutions are promising for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
The aim of this work was to develop the production technology and to evaluate the quality of the agents representing electrochemically activated solutions of sodium hypochlorite, which were received with the use of electrochemical plants.
The results of the research have shown that there is a direct correlation dependence of hydrogen quotient and available chlorine content on current intensity and the time of electrochemical treatment. By electrochemical treatment of isotonic sodium chloride solution on the electrochemical plant with the help of the technology developed by us it is possible to obtain an antiseptic solution of sodium hypochlorite with active chlorine content of 208,3±8,5 mg/dm3 and a disinfectant with active chlorine content of 1200-1300 mg/dm3.
This antiseptic corresponds to the regulatory chemical-analytical indices of quality, toxicological and hygienic safety, possesses high antimicrobial activity and can be used instead of the traditional means or in addition to them in the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases in humans. It is unable to penetrate through undamaged common integuments and exert the cutaneoresorptive action, has no cumulative properties at the level of lethal effects manifestation on its intragastric action and is not dangerous in case of subacute inhalation poisoning. The disinfectant can be used for treatment of the working surfaces of the equipment, furniture, utensils and work tools.
Key words: electrochemical plant, electrochemically activated sodium hypochlorite, antiseptic, disinfectant.


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