Аdamenko G.V., Burak I.I., Kolkov M.A.
The technique of determining ethyl alcohol by means of gas-liquid chromatography
The aim of this study was to develop sensitive technique for the quantitative determination of ethyl alcohol in combined antiseptic agents containing alcohol and alcohol solutions.
As an antiseptic ethyl alcohol is used in various concentrations and a minor difference in its concentrations has a different bactericidal effect, so the development of sensitive method for the determination of ethyl alcohol in combined antiseptic agents containing alcohol and alcohol solutions is urgent.
The research was done with the use of physical-chemical and statistical methods.
For the study ethyl alcohol samples of three concentrations (70%, 72% and 94%) were taken. Three series of experiments were performed. In the first series ethyl alcohol content was determined by chromatography in accordance with our method, in the second and the third series quantification of the same samples was carried out with the help of hydrometric and pyknometric methods. The results were then compared and processed statistically. Processing was carried out in the program Statistica 6.0.
The results of the quantitative determination of ethyl alcohol obtained by chromatographic, pyknometric and hydrometric analysis methods are correct and are not burdened with a systematic error.
By the reproducibility chromatographic, pyknometric and hydrometric methods of analysis statistically did not differ significantly from each other.
The developed technique of analysis by the chromatographic method can be proposed for the determination of ethyl alcohol content in combined antiseptic agents containing alcohol and alcohol solutions.
Key words: ethyl alcohol, chromatographic method, hydrometric method, pyknometric method.
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