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Karpuk I.Y.
Immunopathology in patients with orthopedic appliances in the oral cavity

The article deals with the analysis of literature data testifying to the importance of  general and local immunoreactivity status in the pathogenesis of stomatologic materials intolerance which is the ground for including immunotropic agents and methods in the scheme of treatment for this pathology. It has been shown that the therapy aimed at immune functions normalization is rational before prosthetics which is sure to reduce the risk of different prosthetic stomatites development as well as their severity. In the course of literature analysis it has been established that on any influence, it is possible to reveal in the pathological process the elements or signs of protection mechanisms realization. These changes not always have the nature of a specific reaction. Expressiveness, character, dynamics of local protection mechanisms changes, undoubtedly, depend on the general condition of an organism, diseases spectrum, age. Gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system diseases, age changes, vascular diseases in this regard are especially significant.
Key words: allergy, immunopathology, stomatologic materials.


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