Kozlovsky V.I., Simanovich A.V.
Life quality and the level of anxiety as risk factors of unfavorable events development in patients with arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree
The aim of this study was to evaluate life quality and the level of anxiety in patients with arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree, to reveal their levels, which are associated with an increased risk of adverse events development.
The study involved 239 patients with arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree. Their life quality was evaluated with the use of SF-36 questionnaire, the level of reactive and personal anxiety was assessed by means of Spielberger-Hanin questionnaire. The evaluation of adverse events included the registration of the number of transient ischemic attacks, strokes, myocardial infarctions, arrhythmia paroxysms, deaths from cardiovascular diseases, the quantity of emergency aid calls, admissions to the cardiological departments, visits to the out-patient departments because of cardiovascular diseases during 13,1±1,8 months.
Тhe relative risk of the total number of adverse events in patients with physical health component of 26-50% and a high level of reactive and personal anxiety was respectively 2,4 (CI 1,1–5,7) and 2,2 (CI 1,0–4,5) times higher compared to the patients with physical health component of 51-75% and an average level of reactive or personal anxiety.
The relative risk of the total number of unfavorable events in patients with psychological health component of 26-50% and a high level of reactive or personal anxiety was respectively 2,1 (CI 1,0–4,6) and 3,0 (CI 1,5–5,9) times higher compared to the patients with the psychological component of the health of 51-75% and an average level of reactive or personal anxiety.
The indicators associated with an increased risk of adverse events development have been determined, such as the physical and psychological health components less than 25%, the levels of reactive and personal anxiety more than 46 points, or combination of the physical and psychological health components of 26-50% and the levels of reactive or personal anxiety more than 46 points.
Key words: arterial hypertension, quality of life, anxiety, adverse events.
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