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Semenov V.M., Zhiltsov I.V., Dmitrachenko T.I., Zenkova S.K., Skvortsova V.V., Kubrakov K.M.,Veremey I.S.
Detection of beta-lactamases production by bacteria with the use of test system «BioLactam»

We have designed the test system «BioLactam» which is capable of registering the level of beta-lactamase activity in biological substrates. In the present study we have evaluated the fundamental possibility of determining beta-lactamase activity of bacterial suspensions using the above-mentioned test system; also we have performed the analysis of the conformance of the obtained results to the data of the routine methods of bacteriological examination. It has turned out that test system «BioLactam» may be successfully used for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of beta-lactamase activity of bacterial suspensions, and the results of testing are in good concordance with those got by the disk diffusion method. By means of test system «BioLactam» we can determine the following things with the high level of reliability: 1) production of clinically significant quantities of beta-lactamases if the level of beta-lactamase activity of bacterial suspension is ≥14,2%; 2) resistance to inhibitor-protected beta-lactams if the level of beta-lactamase activity of bacterial suspension makes up ≥26,5%; 3) resistance to cephalosporins of the 3rd generation if the level of beta-lactamase activity is ≥81,2%; 4) if used together with the disk diffusion method the presence of non-enzymatic mechanisms of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics as well.
Key words: test system «BioLactam», beta-lactamase activity, bacterial suspensions, antibacterial therapy, disk diffusion method.


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