Sokolova T.V., Malyarchuk A.P., Adaskevich V.P., Lopatina Y.V.
Scabious erythroderma as a new clinical variant of scabies
Erythroderma (exfoliative dermatitis) is an emergency condition in dermatology in which not less than 90% of skin surface is affected. The characteristic features are erythema, skin scaling and itching, fever and lymphadenopathy. The most common causes of erythroderma are pre-existent dermatoses (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, lichen ruber pilaris, lichen planus, pemphigus foliaceus), drug reactions, lymphoma and leukemia, visceral neoplasias. Erythroderma is a diagnostically relevant clinical manifestation of Norwegian scabies.
Objectives: To describe clinical peculiarities of scabious erythroderma as a special rare form of scabies, to assess the number of itch mites on a patient and in his/her environment and to work out the differential-diagnostic criteria of Norwegian scabies.
Material and methods: We examined 5 patients with scabies, the main clinical manifestation of which was erythroderma. All patients were women aged from 42 to 89 years. The disease duration was from 8 months to 1 year. The causes of erythroderma development were different. Clinical and paraclinical methods of investigation alongside with dermatoscopy and microscopy were used.
Results: For the first time the description of a new clinical form of scabies – scabious erythroderma – has been provided. It is based on the analysis of the 5 cases of scabies, the main clinical manifestation of which is diffuse erythroderma. The diagnostic criteria of scabious erythroderma and differential diagnosis of Norwegian scabies have been given. For the first time the invasive potential of this form of the disease has been evaluated on the patient and outside him/her.
Key words: scabious erythroderma, Norwegian scabies, dermatoscopy, differential diagnosis.
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