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Balashenko N.S.
Atorvastatin individual dose selection in the treatment  of carotid atherosclerosis in patients with arterial hypertension of the 1st–2nd degree

The aim of the research was to develop atorvastatin individual dose selection method for the treatment of carotid atherosclerosis in patients with arterial hypertension of the 1st-2nd degree (HT I–II).
Material and methods. Carotid arteries ultrasound investigation was conducted in all patients. When the examined patients with arterial hypertension of the 1st-2nd degree had carotid plaques their total area was measured by means of tracing around the plaque with a cursor. Alterwards all the obtained values were summed up to get the total carotid plaques area.
Rusults. In 35 patients with the combination of HT I–II and carotid plaques carotid stenosis measurement and total carotid plaques planimetric measurement were conducted. This group of patients was treated with atorvastatin at the dose of 40 mg. All patients underwent repeated ultrasound investigation after 6 months of treatment. Carotid stenosis was not significantly changed in contradiction to the total carotid plaques area. Regression coefficient was calculated and atorvastatin doses were corrected.
Conclusion. If carotid plaques are detected during ultrasound investigation, it is necessary in addition to measure total carotid plaques area and to calculate the carotid plaques regression coefficient after 6 months of treatment with atorvastatin, which enables the doctors to select atorvastatin doses more adequately for the combined treatment of patients with HT I–II.
Key words: arterial hypertension,  carotid plaques, atorvastatin.


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