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Burak I.I., Miklis N.I., Shiryakova T.A., Grigoreva S.V., Cherkasova O.A., Yurkevich A.B.
Hygienic estimation of disinfectant solution «Neutral anolyte»

The hygienic assesment of neutral anolyte received on the domestic electrochemical installation «Aquamed», for the disinfection of the surfaces of premises, industrial and sanitary-technical equipment, utensils, cleaning stock in hospitals, drugstores, and also water disinfection in the swimming-pools and sewage at local and city treatment facilities is presented in this article. The results of the research allow to conclude, that neutral anolyte possesses the sufficient level of bactericidal activity, since in the quantitative suspension test concerning standard cultures of microorganisms the reduction factor was 5,2-7,08 lg, concerning M. Terrae – 6,17-6,64 lg. The solution demonstrated high efficiency on disinfection of sanitary-hygienic clothes with the first degree of contamination against the background of low destructive activity. The expressiveness of local-irritating properties on the skin, irritating action on mucous membranes testify to the fact that neutral anolyte has weak allergenic activity and does not possess any toxic properties on inhalation influence in the saturating concentration of steams. The application of neutral anolyte for the disinfection of sewage has caused the decrease in the total microbial count, lactose positive E. Coli and coli-index in comparison with nontreated sewage which is the evidence of effective disinfection. The estimation of toxicity with the use of the test on bacteria, daphnias and seaweeds has revealed, that neutral anolyte with residual free chlorine content of 1,7 mg/dm3 possessed the admissible degree of toxicity, and the sewage treated with it did not show any acute toxic action. The antimicrobial and virucide efficiency of the water treated with neutral anolyte remains on free residual chlorine content within the limits of 0,1–0,3 mg/dm3  which expands the possibility of its use while disinfecting water of the swimming-pools for children. The application of the given solution for sanitary and hygienic actions brought about 5-17,5 times reduction of expenses in comparison with the traditional disinfectants.
Key words: anolyte, disinfection, quality, safety, efficiency.


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