Shustov D.I., Novikov S.A., Shustov A.D.
Psychotherapy of patients with alcohol dependence with the type of their personality and autoagressive behaviour taken into account
The article presents the findings of a clinical trial conducted on 190 male adults aged from 21 to 64 years (the mean age made up 37±9,4). The correlations between the patient’s alcohol dependence, self-destructive behaviour and personality traits have been found. Correlations between the emotionally unstable personality type and suicidal autoagression, the dissocial personality type and autoagression in the form of antisocial as well as risky behaviours; the narcissistic personality type and autoagression in professional relationships; paranoid personality type and autoagression in family relations have been identified. The rationale for the use of methods to neutralize the craving for alcohol, to change autoagressive behaviour patterns and to address patient’s personality type in the psychotherapeutic treatment of alcohol dependence has been substantiated. The authors show that the best therapeutic outcomes with the use of the approach proposed have been achieved in patients with anxious (avoiding), anankastic, schizoid and histrionic personality types. More than 60% of these patients resumed alcohol abuse within the second year of treatment, 25% of them achieved a remission for more than 2 years. It has been demonstrated that most challenges occurred in psychotherapy with patients of the emotionally unstable, dissocial, narcissistic and paranoid personality types due to the difficulties related to a therapeutic alliance establishment between a patient and a therapist. The article provides recommendations concerning the psychotherapeutic treatment of alcohol dependence with a patient’s personality type and his/her autoagression taken into account. The outcomes of the psychotherapeutic approach proposed by the authors have been analyzed.
Key words: psychotherapy, alcohol dependence, personality, autoagressive behaviour.
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