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Eremenko R.F., Maloshtan L.N.
The influence of Medicago sativa L. grass extract on the level of sex hormones in female rats

The influence of four - week introduction of extract of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) grass (EGMS) to the sexually mature female rats on the sex hormones level was studied in the experiment. It has been shown that the prolonged intake of phytoestrogens leads to the insignificant shifts in the content of sex hormones. Females have leveled the differences between estradiol content in the estrus-diestrus cycles. It has been found out that EGMS and «Klimadynon» hadn’t exerted any significant influence on the trophic processes and the general condition of the ovaries of the female rats in comparison with the animals of the intact control group. The influence of EGMS and «Klimadynon» on the content of estradiol and testosterone in the blood serum of the experimental female rats has been established. EGMS in contrast to «Klimadynon» increases the level of estradiol by 10% tendenciously with regard to the intact control group. EGMS as well as a comparison drug «Klimadynon» reliably decrease the level of testosterone in healthy female rats by 10% with regard to the intact control group. Taking into account that the experiments were carried out on the healthy animals with good resistance, such effect of EGMS may be explained by the fact that it can stimulate the formation of estradiol from testosterone at the expense of phytoestrogen action of the existing in it isoflavonoids: genistein, daidzein and coumestrol.
Key words: phytoestrogens, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) extract, «Klimadynon», estrous cycle, sex hormones.


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