Baytus N.A.
Color neutralizing technique in the treatment of devitalized teeth
Modern dentistry has a wide range of possibilities of aesthetic restoration of pulpless teeth - restoration, microprosthetics, prosthesis. All these technologies have indications and contraindications. The choice depends on the degree of teeth preservation. It is possible to ensure reliable results only when the technology is observed to the full extent. Only after the patient’s examination by a dentist it’ll be possible to talk definitly about the restoration options of devitalized teeth. The achievements of restoration technologies in dentistry give the opportunity to get a perfect smile and aesthetics, because at the present time dental treatment is aimed not only at restoring the chewing function of a patient, but also at the improvement of his/her general condition and quality of life. Current state of scientific developments in the field of dentistry enables us to enough optimistically consider the problem of color correction of a pulpless tooth. Depending on the reasons that caused the color change of a tooth, for its correction it is possible to use a variety of methods starting either with the hygienic care for the teeth (professional hygiene of the oral cavity), or using a combination of intensive whitening (office or home) with subsequent restoration works. High aesthetic quality of modern dental materials and the techniques of their application provided the access for the general population to the qualitative restoration of teeth. Not only the structural modelling, similar in appearance to the teeth became possible, but also reproduction of individual color shades inherent to the enamel and dentin.
The article describes different ways to use color neutralizing techniques in the treatment of devitalized teeth (previously treated endodontically) with the use of photopolymer materials.
Key words: color neutralizing, technique, devitalized teeth, composites, restorative materials.
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