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Lebedeva E.I.
The dynamics and sex differences of biochemical changes in the blood serum in experimental toxic cirrhosis

Objectives. To study the dynamics and sex differences of biochemical changes occurring in response to CCL4 with ethanol influence in the blood serum of experimental animals.
Material and methods. The model of toxic liver cirrhosis in white rats was created by means of long intragastric introduction of oily 40% CCL4 solution in combination with ethanol during 19 weeks. The changes of the main indices of protein, lipid, carbohydrate, pigment metabolism and key metabolism enzymes activity were studied in the animals’ blood serum. The morphological study of the liver and statistical analysis of the received results were made.
Results. The results demonstrating the rough changes of blood serum biochemical indices   characterizing metabolic processes in which the liver participates and proving the presence of cirrhotic process in the experimental animals have been obtained. The marked positive dependence of the determined changes in biochemical indices of the blood serum on the degree of morphological signs expressiveness of liver cirrhosis has been revealed. The significant sex differences of the studied blood serum biochemical indices have been determined which testify to a stronger resistance of female rats to the development of liver cirrhosis.
Conclusions. It has been  established that the most complex dynamics of the studied indices changes was characteristic of the activity of enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase), glucose and cholesterol levels.
Key words: liver cirrhosis, white rats, metabolic disturbances, sex differences.


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