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Rybak V.A., Maloshtan L.N.
The usage of thick bean extract, metformin and glibenclamide for correction of dithizone diabetes complications in rabbits
National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine

We have studied the influence of the thick bean extract (TBE), metformin and glibenclamide on the level of glucose and ketone bodies in the urine, urine pH on the model of dithizone diabetes in rabbits. In 7, 10, 12 and 14 days of the research the TBE reduced glucose level in the urine of animals and prevailed over the effect of metformin by 9,8%, 9,7%, 31,2% and 37,4%, but was inferior to the action of glibenclamide by 4,5%, 5,9 %, 1,3% and 0,7%. The TBE reduced the level of ketone bodies in the urine of the animals in 7, 10, 12 and 14 days of the study, and prevailed over the effect of metformin by 5,5%, 10,2%, 8,4% and 12,0%, but was inferior to the action of glibenclamide in 7, 10 and 14 days of the study by 4,1%, 3,8% and 3,3%, and in 12 days – the TBE predominated over the effect of glibenclamide by 2,4%. On the 14th day of the research the TBE facilitated the normalization of urine pH in the animals, which corresponded (8,4±0,38) to alkaline medium. In the group of animals for the treatment of which glibenclamide was applied, urine pH approximated to the original data (7,9±0,40), but urine pH was still acidic (7,5±0,51) when metformin was used in the treatment of animals. It was found out that the long-term administration of the TBE, beginning with the 7th day and during 14 days of the study decreased blood glucose and ketone bodies levels in the urine, helped to normalize urine pH in the animals with dithizone diabetes, prevailed over the action of metformin and approximated to the action of glibenclamide. Thus the TBE is a promising hypoglycemic agent in the complex treatment of acute insulin deficiency, as well as in the treatment of DM of the 2nd type in animals, which will enable the prevention of the development of the disease complications.
Key words: dithizone diabetes, metformin, glibenclamide, thick bean extract.


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