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Sokolov S.M., Shevchuk L.M., Gankin A.N., Poznyak I.S.
On the question of health risk assessment of the polluted atmospheric air in the population
Scientific-Practical Centre of Hygiene, Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To determine the population health gradation depending on the degree of atmospheric air pollution and the levels of health risk.
Material and methods. According to a specially designed observations program the health status of the exposed population with the diseases of critical organs (systems) of the human body taken into account was studied. Hygienic assessment of the degree of danger of atmospheric air pollution in the simultaneous presence of several chemical pollutants was carried out according to the size of total pollution index «P». Health risk assessment of chemicals polluting the atmospheric air was made in accordance with the normative legitimate acts in force.
Results. The gradation of the population health risk, depending on the degree of atmospheric air pollution and the levels of health risk has been developed. The graduation of the degree of atmospheric air pollution is consistent with the expected level of health. Thus, this quantitative criterion of a very strong contamination corresponds to the adaptation failure effect.
Conclusions. The degree of chemical pollutants risk to public health is an integral hygienic criterion which justifies the reliability of air protection measures aimed at the protection of the population from harmful emissions into the atmosphere. It seems expedient to assess the health of the population not on the basis of the pathologies prevalence, but according to the risk of disease development.
Key words: atmospheric air, pollutants, population health, morbidity, health risk.


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