Chernyavsky Y.P., Shupilkin N.V.
The use of ash-free plastic «Pattern Resin» LS, ash-free posts «Uniclip» while modelling cast stump metal posts in dentistry
Education Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University", Republic of Belarus
This paper presents the results of the efficacy evaluation of the methods of modelling cast stump metal posts, produced directly from the modelling wax «Lavaks» (Stoma, Ukraine) and from ash-free plastic «Pattern Resin» LS (GS, Japan) with the use of ash-free posts «Uniclip» (Dentsply Maillefer, Switzerland). The objects of the study were 30 cast stump metal posts, made out of the modelling wax «Lavaks» (Stoma, Ukraine) by means of the direct method. 30 cast stump metal posts, produced directly from ash-free plastic «Pattern Resin» LS (GS, Japan) with the use of ash-free posts «Uniclip» (Dentsply Maillefer, Switzerland) served as a comparison group. The assessment of methods used to model cast stump metal posts was made according to the scale of casting defects and the quality of the adjustment of cast stump metal posts in the oral cavity.
As a result of this study it has been found that when using the method of modelling cast stump metal posts from ash-free plastic «Pattern Resin» LS (GS, Japan) with the use of ash-free posts «Uniclip» (Dentsply Maillefer, Switzerland) accurate reflection of the prosthetic field, high durability of the modelled construction and the possibility of multiple remodelling, high quality of the cast construction, the possibility of modelling the inlay for the already finished crown were observed.
Key words: cast stump metal post, ferrule, ash-free plastic, «Lavaks», «Pattern Resin» LS, «Uniclip».
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