V.I. Nikolayuk*, A.A. Kabanova**, E.A. Karpenko**
Densitometry in the diagnosing of maxillo-facial area pathologies
*Public Health Establishment «Brest stomatological polyclinic», Brest, Republic of Belarus
**Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
Objectives. To determine the diagnostic informativeness of the technique for assessing bone tissue density of the jaws with the use of digital roentgenography.
Material and methods. The analysis of X-ray diagnosing was made with the determination of bone tissue density according to the data of digital orthopantomograms. Altogether 89 orthopantomograms were studied: 46 without the destructive processes in the bone tissue of the jaws and 43 orthopantomograms with the destructive processes in the bone tissue of the jaws (periodontitis). The statistical processing of the obtained data was performed.
Results. When comparing the relative mineral bone tissue density without the destructive processes in the maxillo-facial area in individuals of the same age group but different gender statistically significant differences on measurement in the region of the incisors and canines of the upper jaw; incisors, canines and molars of the lower jaw were revealed. The comparison of the relative mineral bone tissue density without the destructive processes in the maxillo-facial area in persons of different age showed statistically significant differences in the region of the incisors of the upper jaw, the canines of the upper jaw, the molars of the lower jaw in women; in the region of the canines of the upper jaw, mandibular incisors and mandibular molars in men. Bone tissue density in patients with the destructive processes in the maxillo-facial area makes up in the anterior part of the mandible region (incisors region) 29,00±7,45%, in the posterior part of the mandible region (molars region) – 35,02±7,46%, which is statistically significantly lower in comparison with the indices of bone tissue density in individuals without any pathology.
Conclusions. Thus, bone tissue densitometry with the application of digital orthopantomograms is a diagnostically informative available examination method and can be used to diagnose the condition of bone tissue of the jaws and to evaluate the quality of the given treatment.
Key words: bone tissue, mineral bone tissue density, orthopantomography.
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