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Tserkovsky A.L.
Modern views on the problem of competitiveness
Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(1):114-127.

This review article is devoted to one of the pressing problems of a higher school - the competitiveness of students of the institutions of higher education (including those of medical education). This is due to the fact that the main task of the higher education system development of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage is to ensure the quality of educational services, the formation of an active, healthy, competitive personality of a professional and a citizen. The article discusses the major aspects of the problem of competitiveness: relevance, phenomenology, competition and specific medical subculture, cultural consciousness and competitiveness of a medical student, competitiveness structure, characteristic of a competitive individual and his/her competitive activity and behaviour. The main points of the article when considering the problems of competitiveness of the students of higher education institutions are oriented to medical subculture.
Key words: competition, competitiveness, factors of education successfulness, cultural doctrine of higher medical education.


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