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Moiseyeva A.M.*, Moiseyev D.V.*, Veremchuk O.A.*, Lukashov R.I.*, Syukhin D.A.**
Medicines of monoclonal antibodies in the Republic of Belarus
*Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
**Limited Liability Company «Intellix-M», Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(1):85-92.

The assortment and dynamics of the sales of medicines on the basis of monoclonal antibodies (MAB) present on the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Belarus in 2008 – 2015 years were studied, the most demanded in the clinic medicines were determined. Sales over the indicated period equaled about 125,4 millions USD; 90,1% of this amount made up the sales of anticancer MAB medicines, 6,8% – MAB medicines for prevention of graft rejection, 3,0% – MAB medicines for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. In the Republic of Belarus 26 medicines on the basis of MAB are registered. 18 of them were presented at the pharmaceutical market of the republic in 2008 – 2015 years. All MAB medicines, introduced to the pharmaceutical market of Belarus, are imported. The highest volumes of sales belong to anticancer medicines «Herceptin» (45,7% in money terms and 34,3% in the number of packages), «Mabthera» (27,3% and 30,6%, respectively), «Avastin» (15,3% and 19,3%, respectively). The average price of medicinal preparations was 1342,45 USD per pack. By the end of 2014 year sales of MAB preparations had increased 2,8 times in money terms, 3,2 times in the number of packages compared with 2008 year. Thus high-tech medicines on the basis of MAB are a promising segment of the pharmaceutical market. Local production of MAB pharmaceutical substances will allow to significantly reduce the cost of medicines and to use them for the treatment of a wide range of patients.
Key words: monoclonal antibodies, immunotherapy, medicine.


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