Rublevskaya E.I.*, Divakova T.S.**, Laptiyeva L.N.***
The medical college role in the provision of treatment-and-prophylactic institutions with paramedical personnel
*Educational Establishment «Mozyr State Medical College», Mozyr, Republic of Belarus
**Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
***Educational Establishment «Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P.Shamyakin», Mozyr, Republic of Belarus
Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(2):110-117.
For the purpose of the provision optimization of treatment-and-prophylactic institutions with personnel, the role of a medical college in the reducing the level of graduates’ professional disadaptation and the increasing of motivation to the stable professional activity at one working place has been evaluated. The reasons of professional disadaptation development on the duration of job according to place of employment as the paramedical staff of 231 graduates of medical colleges of the Republic of Belarus with the work experience from 4 to 8 years and 68 final-year students of the EE «Mozyr State Medical College» based on the orders analysis through health care institutions about employee’s admission, transfer and dismissal have been studied, the results of questionnairing and filling in self-rating scales of 494 paramedicals with up to 15 years of work experience have been analysed, the investigation of the issues of the training programme for specialists with secondary medical education has been conducted. The analysis of the obtained results has indicated that the lack of stability in staff provision with the paramedical personnel of the treatment-and-prophylactic institutions is based mainly on the problems of the sphere of professional communication: conflicts at the working place, conflicts with patients and their relatives. The level of communicative skills and adaptive reactions of an individual was connected with the duration of his/her professional activity and the structure of an educational programme of the medical college. Thus, the degree of communicative skills and adaptive reactions was the highest in a specialist with the work experience of more than 5 years. However, in case of the work with patients that were in the category of «dying» or «incurable» the degree of communicative skills and adaptive reactions was decreased up to minimum. The working out and introduction of a number of units dealing with communication skills and professional adaptation at the period of training in a college (practical and theoretical lessons, optional courses, workshops, role-plays, modelling the situations of the work of paramedical staff with the specific profile of patients, i.e. when the patient has favourable and unfavourable prognosis for life, work with the patient’s relatives) will improve worker’s professional adaptation and keeping of the staff in the profession.
Key words: education in a medical college, paramedical staff, the provision of the treatment-and-prophylactic institutions with staff, professional adaptation, working experience.
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