Nekhlopochin A.S.*, Shvets A.I.*, Nekhlopochin S.N.**, Shapovalov V.D.***
Evaluation scale of constructional parameters and functional possibilities of body replacement endoprostheses for anterior interbody spondylosyndesis
*State Establishment «Lugansk Clinical Hospital», Lugansk, Ukraine
**State Establishment «Lugansk State Medical University», Lugansk, Ukraine
***State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Lugansk State University named after V.Dal», Lugansk, Ukraine
Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(2):67-76.
Objectives. To develop the evaluation scale of constructional parameters and functional possibilities of the endoprostheses of the vertebral bodies for the optimal choice of the implant construction in case of reconstructive interventions on the backbone.
Material and methods. The analysis of the literature describing constructional features of 25 types of endoprostheses of the vertebral bodies has been made. The system of the valuation of the implant characteristics has been proposed. The most rational signs of their constructions have been determined. Each of the highlighted parameters has been evaluated in points. On the basis of the obtained information the evaluation scale has been developed.
Results. This scale provides for the analysis of such characteristics of body replacement implants as reconstruction, stabilization, creation of the conditions for the bone regeneration.
The most reasonable criteria include: minimum size, the presence of the internal cavity of considerable sizes for the filler, providing a significant contact area in the system of the filler-body of the vertebra with the aim of creating the conditions for the formation of an adequate bone block, sufficient firmness, a small metal consumption and light weight, productibility in the manufacture and simplicity in operation.
Conclusions. The evaluation scale of implants design for anterior interbody spondylosyndesis allows to choose the features of constructions that can be determined visually by a surgeon, without the help of any information sources. The total score reflects the level of effectiveness of cages. The presented tool allows the surgeon to focus his/her attention on the advantages and problematic features of various implants with the purpose of the objective selection of an implant in each clinical situation.
Key words: evaluation scale, constructional parameters, functional possibilities, vertebral body replacement endoprostheses.
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