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Novak N.V.*, Baitus N.A.**
Experimental study of caries resistance of the tooth enamel after whitening and remineralization
*State Educational Establishment «Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education», Minsk, Republic of Belarus
**Clinic of Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(2):87-92.

Every year patients make still higher demands on dentistry. Many patients are not satisfied with the color of their teeth, and they make a request to restore or correct it. The current state of scientific development allows to consider rather optimistically the problem of color correction of vital and / or non-vital teeth. Depending on the causes of tooth discoloration, to correct it numerous methods are used starting with the simplest measures, such as hygienic care of the teeth, to the combined techniques with the use of intense whitening (office or home) and, if necessary, followed by restoration. The purpose of this work is experimental study of the influence of the multiplicity of whitening procedures with subsequent remineralization therapy for acid resistance of the devitalized tooth enamel. The object of this research was 50 extracted human devitalized teeth. The acid resistance of the tooth enamel was determined by means of the enamel resistance test (ERT). The color intensity of the etched enamel portion was evaluated with the help of a modified scale. As a bleaching system 30% carbamide peroxide gel was used intended for extra- and intracoronal whitening of the teeth. After each whitening procedure  remineralization therapy with calcium phosphate and fluorine-containing gels was provided for all teeth. ERT was conducted on devitalized teeth before whitening, after whitening and after the enamel remineralization. All in all, each tooth got 7 enamel resistance tests with 3 successive whitenings and remineralization therapy. The conducted studies have shown that firstly, whitening caused demineralization of the enamel, and secondly, the use of remineralization treatment after whitening increased caries resistance of the enamel.
Key words: whitening, devitalized tooth, remineralization, caries resistance.


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