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Paplauskaya E.A.
Structural features of the interstitial tissue of the rats’ testes on exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide S. marcescens
Educational Establishment «Grodno State Medical University», Grodno, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(4):18-24.

It has been experimentally proved in this work that a single intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide Serratia marcescens in a dose of 50 mcg / kg of the body weight in male rats causes the development of a variety of structural changes in the interstitial tissue of the experimental animals testes. While studying  histological preparations of the rats’ testes in experimental animals, interstitial edema and an increase in the diameter of peritubular hemocapillaries are registered. In some hemocapillaries hemostasis and leukocytic infiltration are observed. Interstitial endocrinocytes of animals from the experimental group distinguish themselves by polymorphism, are located predominantly in the interstitial groups, and are stellate or oval in their form. The cellular cytoplasm is often microvacuolated  with unevenly distributed, and different in tinctorial properties granularity. Furthermore, there is a decrease in the amount of endocrine cells in the testicular interstitial tissue of experimental animals in comparison with that in the control group, cellular nuclei in all investigated periods, according to morphometry data are reduced in size. All of the above-mentioned changes in the interstitial tissue of experimental animals testes persist over a fairly long period of time after exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide Serratia marcescens (3rd, 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th and 50th day after administration) and can lead to the disturbance of spermatogenesis processes in animals.
Key words: bacterial lipopolysaccharide, testis, interstitial endocrinocytes.


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Information about authors:
Paplauskaya Elena A. – Candidate of Biological Sciences, teacher of the Chair of Histology, Cytology & Embryology, Educational Establishment «Grodno State Medical University».

Correspondence address: Republic of Belarus, 230021, Grodno, 71A Belyje Rosy str., 42. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Paplauskaya Elena A.

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