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Savelyeva N.N.
The phagocytic activity of blood neutrophils in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of the 1st-2nd degree of severity on the background of parasitoses
Kharkov National Medical University, Kharkov, Ukraine

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(4):80-87.

The article presents the results of the phagocytic immunity chain study in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) of the 1st-2nd degree of severity on the background of enterobiasis, toxocariasis, giardiasis. The aim of this work was to study the nature of changes in the phagocytic immunity chain in patients with CGP of the 1st-2nd degree of severity with parasitoses and in patients with CGP without parasitoses. The studies were conducted in 540 patients with CGP of the 1st-2nd degree of severity with parasitoses (main groups). The comparison group consisted of 90 patients with CGP of the 1st-2nd degree of severity without parasitic invasion, the control group included 30 people without periodontal diseases and any chronic pathology of other organs and systems. Phagocytic activity of neutrophils was assessed according to their ability to absorb the S.aureus bacteria (strain 209), bactericidal capacity (BC) of phagocytes was evaluated with the use of the S. Nielsen method. Oxygen-dependent activity of phagocytes was studied in the spontaneous and zymosan induced HCT-test. Statistical processing of the materials was carried out using mathematical statistics methods for the analysis of the obtained data.
It has been established that in patients with CGP of the 1st-2nd severity degree with parasitoses and in patients with CGP without parasitoses there was a reduction of the absorption and biocidal ability of peripheral blood neutrophils compared with healthy individuals. In patients with the 1st degree of CGP severity without parasitoses the number of cells, involved in phagocytosis (FI) was decreased by 13,7%, the number of microbes, absorbed by one cell (FN) – by 17,3%, biocide (BC) – by 76%. As follows from the obtained data FI and FN in this group of patients did not reliably differ from the normal values. In patients with CGP of the 2nd severity  degree without parasitoses all three indices studied had a statistically significant difference. FI was reduced in comparison with the norm by 20,5%, FN – by 24,2%, BC – by 152%. In patients with CGP of the 1st-2nd degree of severity with parasitoses the significant differences from the control group were observed both in case of the 1st degree of the disease, and in case of the 2nd severity degree of the illness. In patients with the 1st degree of the disease severity with parasitoses the reduction of FI was 22,2-28,0%, FN – 32,8-39,7%, BC – 158-170%, in patients with the 2nd degree that of FI made up 29,3-34,4%, FN – 41,4-53,5%, BC – 238-264%. In patients with CGP of the 1st-2nd severity degree with parasitoses the significant differences compared with patients suffering from CGP of the 1st-2nd severity degree without parasitoses were respectively related to the number of microbes absorbed by a single cell (FN) and biocidal capability of neutrophils (BC). Phagocytic index (PI) of patients with CGP of the 1st-2nd severity degree with parasitoses did not significantly differ from that in patients with CGP of the 1st-2nd severity degree respectively without parasitoses. In patients with CGP of the 1st-2nd degree of severity having various forms of parasitoses the induced and spontaneous HCT tests are reduced. In patients with CGP of the 1st-2nd severity degree without parasitoses the spontaneous HCT test on the contrary is increased in comparison with both infested patients, and the control group of individuals.
Key words: generalized periodontitis, parasitoses, immunity, phagocytosis.


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Information about authors:
Savelyeva N.N. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Chair of Dentistry, Kharkov National  Medical University, Ukraine.

Correspondence address: Ukraine,  61022, Kharkov, 4 Lenin ave., Kharkov National  Medical University, Chair of Dentistry. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Savelyeva Natalya N.

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