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Sukonko O.G., Polyakov S.L., Rolevich A.I., Zhegalik A.G.
Treatment of musculo-invasive bladder cancer with poor prognosis: urgency of the problem
N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2018;17(5):80-93.

Musculo-invasive bladder cancer with poor prognosis (рТ3-4N0 or pN+ category) is a very aggressive disease with high mortality rate. Nowadays complex treatment of this disease together with radical cystectomy includes neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy, mainly cisplatin-based one which is characterized by high toxicity and moderate efficacy. Proposed adjuvant chemotherapy regimens for musculo-invasive bladder cancer patients with no preoperative chemotherapy are ddM–VAC, GC or CMV. Recent researches data including also those of the prospective randomized study conducted by N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre showed that adjuvant chemotherapy was the most effective in the subgroup of patients with no regional lymph nodes metastatic spreading.
Key words: musculo-invasive bladder cancer, cystectomy, adjuvant chemotherapy, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, survival.


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Information about authors:
Sukonko O.G. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, director of N.N.Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus;
Polyakov S.L. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the Oncourologic Pathology Laboratory, N.N.Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus;
Rolevich A.I. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading research officer of the Oncourologic Pathology Laboratory, N.N.Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus;
Zhegalik A.G. – oncologist-urologist of the oncourologic department, N.N.Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus.

Correspondence address: Republic of Belarus, 223040, Minsk district, agrogorodok Lesnoy, N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus, abdominal oncopathhology division, oncology department of hepatopancreatobiliary pathology. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Alexander G. Zhegalik.

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