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Kaban’kov A.V.1, Ivanov A.S.2, Mnatsakanov S.S.3, Rumakin V.P.4, Reznichenko A.S.5
The peculiarities of the guided bone tissue regeneration on using resorbable membranes based on polyvinyl alcohol with the addition of C60 fullerenes
1ID Studio, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
2Military Medicine Academy Named after S.M. Kirov, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
3Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Cinema & Television, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
4Russian Order of the Red Banner of Labour Research Institute of Traumatology & Orthopedics Named after R.R. Vreden, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
5Aesthetic Orthodontics Clinic «Konfidencia», Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Vestnik VGMU. 2019;18(4):91-97.

The relevance of the study is conditioned by the increased need for full volume compensation of the bone tissue lost in case of various inflammatory diseases and injuries. A method of the guided bone tissue regeneration («bone tissue engineering») suits this purpose. Its main difference is the use of membranes that perform the barrier function separating rapidly growing connective tissue from slowly growing highly differentiated bone tissue. However, all available membranes have certain disadvantages. A promising development in this area is a resorbable membrane based on the composition of polyvinyl alcohols with the addition of nanoparticles – C60 fullerenes. For the first time in the experiment on 20 mongrel white mice, osteogenesis was compared when laying on a bone defect the resorbable membrane based on the composition of polyvinyl alcohols with the addition of C60 fullerenes and the same membrane in combination with the osteoplastic material «Osteoplast» for the guided regeneration of alveolar processes of the jaws. The morphological study of the material showed that the regenerate of the newly formed cortical layer was more mature in the group where the resorbable membrane based on the composition of polyvinyl alcohols with the addition of C60 fullerenes was used.
Key words: guided bone tissue regeneration, polyvinyl alcohol, C60 fullerenes.


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Information about authors:
Kaban’kov A.V. – dental surgeon, ID Studio;
Ivanov A.S. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor of the Chair of Maxillofacial Surgery & Operative Dentistry, Military Medicine Academy Named after S.M. Kirov;
Mnatsakanov S.S. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of the Chair of Polymers & Composites Technology, Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Cinema & Television;
Rumakin V.P. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, senior research officer of the experimental and pathomorphologic department, Russian Order of the Red Banner of Labour Research Institute of Traumatology & Orthopedics Named after R.R. Vreden;
Reznichenko A.S. – dentist, Aesthetic Orthodontics Clinic «Konfidencia».

Correspondence address: Russian Federation, 197000, Saint-Petersburg, 16 Pirogov per., ID Studio. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Andrey V. Kaban’kov.

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