Rakhmanova O.V., Podkopaeva D.S., Barteneva A.A., Churilova M.O.
The adherence of students of the Kursk State Medical University to influenza and ARVI prevention
Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russian Federation
Vestnik VGMU. 2020;19(2):44-50.
Objectives. To determine the adherence of medical students to specific (influenza vaccination) and non-specific prophylactic measures aimed at the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).
Material and methods. A survey of 208 students of the Kursk State Medical University aged 17-25 years (from the 1st to the 6th courses) was conducted. The questionnaire for the survey included questions about influenza and ARVI incidence of students during one year, whether they are adherent to annual vaccination and what means are used by them to prevent the above diseases. The subjects were divided into 2 groups: the first group included the junior students (the 1st-the 3rd courses) before their studying clinical disciplines, the second group consisted of senior students (the 4th - the 6th courses) those who were taught at the clinical chars. To establish the difference between them Student’s criterion was used.
Results. Among all respondents, 36.5% of students annually undergo immunization against influenza, the percentage of those who are preventively vaccinated against influenza being significantly lower in the first group than in the second (23.1 and 50%, respectively, p≤0.05) one. Among the reasons for refusal of vaccination among junior students the fear of the risk of post-vaccination reactions and complications prevailed. Most respondents (67.1%) seek for medical aid in case of being ill with ARVI and influenza.
Conclusions. Studying clinical disciplines has a positive effect on the attitude of medical students to vaccination against influenza and increases their readiness for performing preventive vaccinations yearly. Due to the low awareness of junior students, there is a need for educational preventive measures directly before the vaccination season. In both groups, there was a tendency for the prevalence of «disease on the legs».
Key words: influenza vaccination, disease incidence, immunization, prevention, influenza and ARVI, students, post-vaccination complications, compliance.
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Information about authors:
Rakhmanova O.V.– lecturer of the Outpatient Therapy & General Practitioner Chair, Kursk State Medical University;
Podkopaeva D.S. – the fifth-year medical student, Kursk State Medical University;
Barteneva A.A. – the fifth-year medical student, Kursk State Medical University;
Churilova M.O. – the fifth-year medical student, Kursk State Medical University.
Correspondence address: Russian Federation, 305041, Kursk, 3 K. Marx str., Kursk State Medical University, Outpatient Therapy & General Practitioner Chair. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Darya S. Podkopaeva.