Boyko S.L.
Social portrait of a general practitioner
Grodno State Medical University, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
Vestnik VGMU. 2020;19(4):113-121.
The purpose of this study was to describe the social portrait of a general practitioner in accordance with the principles of sociology of medicine. Material and methods included a sociological survey by means of the author’s questionnaire of 113 respondents. The unit of observation was a general practitioner of Grodno region health organization, the subject of study –social portrait of the general practitioner. It has been established that every second specialist does not have any medical category, in fact, every third one has not purchased any professional literature over the past year, and the absolute majority do not use foreign languages. General practitioners rated their family’s well-being as average or below average. The results of work with a high degree of confidence (p<0.01) indicate social problems in the professional group of general practitioners: assessment of their salary as «low», specialization as insufficiently prestigious, with nonoptimal motivation to work in the form of fear of being out of work, dissatisfaction with the profession as a whole. More than half of the general practitioners surveyed ponder over changing their specialization. The author has substantiated a sociological approach to the study of the social portrait of a general practitioner, including the social status, prestige of the profession and social role characteristics. The theoretical and practical significance of the work consists in applying methods of sociology of medicine while drawing up the social portrait of a specific category of medical workers – general practitioners, which can be used in other medical and sociological researches.
Key words: general practitioner, social portrait, sociology of medicine, satisfaction with the profession.
The study was supported by the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (agreement with BRFFR No. G 19-061 of 2 May, 2019) and is a part of the thesis.
The author expresses her gratitude to Doctor of Medical Sciences, associate professor, head of the Chair of Public Health & Health Service of Grodno State Medical University Surmach M.Y. for the help provided while drawing up the sociological questionnaire and discussing the data obtained as well as to Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor, head of the General Practitioner & Outpatient Therapy Chair of Grodno State Medical University Yakubova L.V. for assistance rendered while conducting the survey.
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Information about authors:
Boyko S.L. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor, dean of the Medicopsychological Faculty, Grodno State Medical University.
Correspondence address: Republic of Belarus, 230009, Grodno, 80 Gorky str., Grodno State Medical University, Medicopsychological Faculty dean’s office. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Svetlana L. Boyko.