Khokha R.N.1, Zavodnik L.B.2, Khokha A.M.3, Paramonova N.S.1, Vezhel O.V.4
Sensitization to molecular components of house-dust mite allergen Der p1 and Der p2 in children
1Grodno State Medical University, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
2Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
3Grodno State Agrarian University, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
4Grodno Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
Vestnik VGMU. 2021;20(6):67-76.
Objectives. To establish the molecular profile of sensitization to individual components of the house dust mite allergen (Der p1 and Der p2) in children of Grodno region (Republic of Belarus).
Material and methods. We examined 61 children aged from 4 to 17 years with symptoms of allergy associated with house dust mite. sIgE antibodies to the house dust mite allergen components Der p1 and Der p2 were determined by the ImmunoCAP method.
Results. sIgE antibodies to at least one molecule of the house dust mite allergen Der p1 and/or Der p 2 were detected in 83.6% of children. sIgE antibodies to Der p1 were found in 75.4% of children, and to Der p2 – in 70.5% of children. sIgE antibodies simultaneously to two molecular components of the dust mite (Der p1 + Der p2) were detected in 62.3% of children. With age, the ratio of Der p1 and Der p2 changes towards the prevalence of Der p2 (p=0.02). It has been found that 9.8% of children have IgE-recognizing Der p1, but not Der p 2, and 6.5% of children have IgE-recognizing Der p2, but not Der p 1. In 16.4% of children with sensitization to a house dust mite no sIgE antibodies to Der p1 and Der p2 were detected. The frequency of sensitization to Der p1 and Der p 2, depending on the degree of skin reactivity, established by the results of skin prick tests with water-salt extracts of house dust mite was as follows: «+» 31.25% and 31.25%, «++» 91,17% and 85.29%, «+++» 80% and 60%, respectively. 9.8% of children with negative skin prick test results (but increased level of sIgE to house dust mite extract) were Der p1-, Der p2- and Der p1 + Der p2-positive in 100% of cases.
Conclusions. The allergenic components of house dust mite Der p1 and Der p2 are major in children of Grodno region. A component-resolved diagnostic approach to clarify the profiles of IgE-mediated reactivity in patients with allergy associated with house dust mite will allow to improve and to optimize the therapeutic and diagnostic tactics of managing such patients.
Key words: children, allergies, house dust mite, molecular diagnostics, Der p1, Der p2, sensitization.
Financing. The study was financially supported by the BRFBR (Agreement M20-013 dated May 04, 2020).
Acknowledgements. We express our gratitude to the reviewer for critical reading of the manuscript.
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Information about authors:
Khokha R.N. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Chair of Childhood Diseases No.2, Grodno State Medical University,
Zavodnik L.B. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Chair of Theory of Physical Culture & Sports Medicine, Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala,
Khokha A.M. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor of the Chair of Pharmacology and Physiology, Grodno State Agrarian University;
Paramonova N.S. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the Chair of Childhood Diseases No.2, Grodno State Medical University;
Vezhel V. V. – head of the pediatric department No. 6, Grodno Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital.
Correspondence address: Republic of Belarus, 230009, Grodno, 80 Gorky str., Grodno State Medical University, Chair of Childhood Diseases No.2. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Raisa N. Khokha.