Sirytsyna Y.Ch.1, Sivakov A.P.2
The substantiation of complex treatment for myofascial syndrome of cervicobrachial localization in patients with somatoform autonomic dysfunctions
1Grodno State Medical University, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
2Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Vestnik VGMU. 2021;20(6):91-98.
Objectives. To study the efficiency and give reasons for the treatment of cervicobrachial myofascial syndrome (MFS) in patients with somatoform and autonomic dysfunctions using a complex of methods, including correction of postural muscle imbalance, reflexology and kinesiotaping.
Material and methods. 49 patients took part in the study, they were divided into 2 comparison groups, matched by sex and age. Group I – the control group consisted of 24 patients who underwent a course of treatment according to the protocols and treatment standards in the Republic of Belarus. Group II – the experimental group included 25 patients who in addition to the standard course of treatment, received a complex of methods, including correction of postural muscle imbalance, reflexology and kinesiotaping. All patients underwent a clinical and neurological examination, the level of their anxiety and depressive symptoms was assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – HADS (Zigmond A.S., Snaith R.P., 1983), (Russian version of Andryushchenko A.V., Drobizhev M.Yu., Dobrovolsky A.V., 2003), for the diagnosis of autonomic dysfunction the autonomic test by A.M. Wayne was used. Pain assessment was carried out using McGill’s multidimensional pain questionnaire modified by V.V. Kuzmenko.
Results. A statistically significant positive effect of this treatment complex on the process of the MFS patients recovery was revealed.
Conclusions. The proposed complex is gentle, non-stressful, effective and safe, which exerts a positive influence on improving the quality of medical care.
Key words: myofascial syndrome, somatoform dysfunction, myofascial trigger point, post-isometric relaxation, reflexology, kinesiotaping.
The author expresses her gratitude to the scientific supervisor, head of the Chair of Reflexology of Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Sivakov A.P. for his active assistance while conducting the research. Special thanks to the reviewers and the editorial board of the journal «Vestnik of Vitebsk State Medical University», whose work enabled the presentation of the obtained results in this published article.
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Information about authors:
Sirytsyna Y.Ch. – lecturer of the Chair of Medical Rehabilitation, Grodno State Medical University,
Sivakov A.P. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, head of the Chair of Reflexology, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.
Correspondence address: Republic of Belarus, 230009, Grodno, 80 Gorky str., Grodno State Medical University, Chair of Medical Rehabilitation. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Yulia Ch. Sirytsyna.