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S.V. Arabei, A.V. Hindziuk
Occupational risk and health status of the employees of a workshop for tableting and packaging medicines
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2022;21(5):96-101.

Objectives. To analyze the morbidity with temporary disability (MTD) of the employees of the workshop for tableting and packaging medicines and to assess their occupational risk.
Material and methods. Based on the data of temporary disability certificates, a detailed analysis of the MTD of employees of the workshop for tableting and packaging medicines (main group, n=640 year-round person-years) was carried out in comparison with the morbidity of employees of management departments (comparison group, n=1458 year-round person-years). The calculation of the indicator of the actual level of occupational risk was made on the basis of the total coefficient of working conditions, the indicator of relative risk, the indicator of non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements according to the checklist of questions and the indicator of occupational morbidity.
Results. The overall morbidity rate by cases and by days per 100 workers employed during tableting and packaging medicines was assessed as “below average” for the analyzed period. However, at the same time, the comparison with the republican average annual morbidity rates with temporary disability reflected statistically significantly higher levels of morbidity in cases of temporary disability and the integral indicator among production shop workers. Most often, the causes of incapacity for work of shop workers were diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, neoplasms, injuries and poisoning, as well as diseases of the circulatory system. The indicator of the actual level of occupational risk in the workshop made up 2.6, which testifies to a high degree of occupational conditionality of health disorders among workers.
Conclusions. Investigations, the main purpose of which is to study the factors of the working environment, the nature of work, and their contribution to the development of both occupational, professionally caused, and somatic diseases, are the basis for developing a preventive strategy to minimize the occupational risk to the health of pharmaceutical enterprises workers.
Keywords: morbidity, production of medicines, occupational risk, work-related diseases.


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Information about authors:
S.V. Arabei – postgraduate of the Chair of Occupational Hygiene, Belarusian State Medical University,
E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. –Siarhei V. Arabei;
A.V. Hindziuk – Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor, dean of the medical and preventive faculty, Belarusian State Medical University,

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