M.S. Kurashov, A.V. Marochkov, P.A. Voronkov
Determining the volume of blood loss in cardiac patients by means of the hemoglobin balance and gravimetric methods
Mogilev Regional Clinical Hospital, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus
Vestnik VGMU. 2022;21(6):57-63.
Objectives. To make a comparative analysis of determining the blood loss volume in patients, who have undergone open heart surgery by means of the hemoglobin balance and the gravimetric methods.
Material and methods. A prospective non-randomized cohort study was conducted to determine the volume of intraoperative and perioperative (within 18-20 hours after surgery) blood loss in patients who had undergone cardiac surgery using the hemoglobin balance and gravimetric methods. A group of 30 patients was formed. The volume of blood loss was assessed by two methods in each patient.
Results. The volume of circulating blood was calculated according to the Nadler formula. It made up 5050.8 (4597.1; 5663.3) ml.
Intraoperative blood loss during cardiosurgery on an open heart with extracorporeal circulation (EC), calculated by the hemoglobin balance method, was 1357.9 ml (1202.5; 1756.0) or 26.9% of the total blood volume (TBV); calculated by the gravimetric method – 1015.5 ml (896.0; 1115.0) or 20.1% of the TBV (p<0.0002).
Perioperative blood loss in patients when calculated by the hemoglobin balance method was 1554.4 ml (1375.8; 1922.4) or 30.8% of the TBV; when calculated by the gravimetric method, it was equal to 1360.5 ml (1249.0; 1446.0) or 26.9% of the TBV (p<0.01).
Conclusions. Intraoperative blood loss calculated using the hemoglobin balance method exceeds blood loss measured gravimetrically by 25.2%.
The volume of perioperative blood loss calculated by the method of hemoglobin balance exceeds the volume of blood loss measured by the gravimetric method by 12.5%.
Keywords: blood loss in cardiac surgery, heart surgery, assessment of blood loss volume, comparison of blood loss volume, hemoglobin balance method, gravimetric method.
Acknowledgements. The authors express their gratitude to the anonymous reviewers for the time dedicated to their scientific article.
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Information about authors:
M.S. Kurashov – cardiac surgeon of the cardiac surgery department of the Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Mogilev Regional Clinical Hospital,
E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Mikhail S. Kurashov;
A.V. Marochkov – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the department of anesthesiology and intensive care, Mogilev Regional Clinical Hospital,
P.A. Voronkov – cardiac surgeon of the cardiac surgery department of the Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Mogilev Regional Clinical Hospital.