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D.V. Cherednichenko
The presence of a corporate culture in healthcare institutions as a necessary condition for the modern medical and diagnostic process
Minsk Scientific and Practical Center of Surgery, Transplantation and Hematology, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2023;22(3):103-108.

The article deals with a corporate culture as a significant resource of medical institutions. Its components are analyzed, a historical analysis of the stages of organizational culture knowledge has been made. Its types, levels and functions have been described.
It has been emphasized, that at the first level visible features of culture are easy to detect. They are language, form of greeting, appearance, workplace, symbolism, rituals and ceremonies, accepted in the institution. The second level is deeper. At this level values, beliefs, convictions, mission and goals are studied. The third level describes collective unconscious assumptions and psychological attitudes that affect a person’s behavior: mentality, cultural traditions, attitude towards another person and his/her own activity, impact of religious views on organizational behavior, understanding of his/her personality and organization in time space.
The types of corporate culture that depend on the features characteristic of key managers and experts have been determined, such parameters as individualism – collectivism, power distance, attitude towards uncertainty about the future, masculinity – femininity on the basis of the specifics of gender relations being the main ones. Culture of belonging, culture of dominance, culture of  regulations, culture of success, culture of agreement, culture of synthesis also exist. Corporate culture has been proved to form a certain image of the organization and its development strategy.
In this paper attention is also paid to such definitions as «mission», «goals», tasks» in relation to the functioning of healthcare institutions. The conclusion is substantiated that the moral and psychological climate in a healthcare institution has a direct impact on the quality of medical care and innovative activity of a medical organization.
Keywords: culture, organizational (corporate) culture, mission of a healthcare institution, competencies of medical personnel, motivation, moral and psychological climate.


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Information about authors:
D.V. Cherednichenko – doctor-organizer of healthcare, deputy director for medical expertise and rehabilitation, Minsk Scientific and Practical Center of Surgery, Transplantation and Hematology,
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