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V.M. Bondarenko1, S.I. Pimanov1, E.V. Makarenko1, E.F. Bondarenko2
Metabolically healthy obesity: epidemiology, criteria and pathogenetic mechanisms
1Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
2Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2023;22(3):19-28.

Obesity is a significant medical and social problem. The negative impact of obesity on the life expectancy and working capacity of overweight patients has been convincingly proved. This negative impact is due to the high risk of occurrence of comorbid pathology, which includes cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, gout, and some types of cancer. At the same time, considerable differences were found in the individual risk of developing concomitant diseases, which cannot be explained only by the degree of obesity. Clinical observations made it possible to identify a group of subjects with metabolically healthy obesity (MHO), who differ from metabolically unhealthy patients in the absence of cardiometabolic risk factors and a more favorable prognosis. Data on the prevalence of MHO vary significantly due to the lack of uniform criteria. The carried out literature review indicates that MHO is more common in women than in men, mainly in younger people, physically active, with a lower content of visceral adipose tissue.
Keywords: metabolically healthy obesity, metabolically unhealthy obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, cardiometabolic risk, visceral adipose tissue.


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Information about authors:
V.M. Bondarenko – Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Chair of Hospital Surgery with the course of the Faculty for Advanced Training & Retraining, Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University,
e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Vladimir M. Bondarenko;
S.I. Pimanov – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, head of the Chair of Internal Diseases & Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Faculty for Advanced Training & Retraining, Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University;
E.V. Makarenko – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor of the Chair of Internal Diseases & Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Faculty for Advanced Training & Retraining, Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University;
E.F. Bondarenko – anesthesiologist-resuscitator, Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital.

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