D.V. Cherednichenko
Communication barriers and ways to overcome them while providing medical care (literature review)
Minsk Scientific and Practical Center of Surgery, Transplantation and Hematology, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Vestnik VGMU. 2023;22(5):9-17.
A review of domestic and foreign literature dedicated to the problem of communication while providing medical care has been done. The basis of constructive relationships in the system “a medical worker – a patient” is an effective communication. Modern treatment and diagnostic process acquires the character of a patient-centered approach and supposes an active involvement in it of a patient and/or his/her legal representatives. The presence of communicative barriers leads to noncompliance and is a potential conflict factor, negatively influencing the quality of the medical aid provided.
The assessment of doctor’s communicative competences and his/her ability to apply them in practice is of great importance. The basis of constructive relationships in the system “a medical worker – a patient” being an effective communication, the urgent problem is the elaboration of methodology for assessing communicative competence of a doctor, the use of which is applicable to the conditions of the native healthcare system.
An important goal is to practice the mechanisms of transformation realization of providing medical aid considering the aspects of patient-centeredness.
Changes in the training of medical workers at the level of secondary specialized and higher medical education as well as continuing professional education are necessary. These changes require detailed study, testing and the assessment of their efficiency.
Keywords: communication, compliance, noncompliance, communication barriers, patient’s personality, doctor’s personality, relationships “a doctor – a patient”.
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Information about authors:
D.V. Cherednichenko – doctor-organizer of healthcare, deputy director for medical expertise and rehabilitation, Minsk Scientific and Practical Center of Surgery, Transplantation and Hematology,,
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