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T.V. Kovalchuk-Bolbatun, D.D. Stasevich
Thermal skin burn in pregnant women (literature review)
Grodno State Medical University, Grodno, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2024;23(1):9-14.

The treatment of thermal injuries is the urgent problem of combustiology, despite all the achievements of modern medicine. Pregnant women with thermal skin burns require special attention. It is this group of victims that needs the greatest attention of medical personnel, the involvement of a large number of specialists from various fields and a modern diagnostic base. The complexity of the organization and carrying out the treatment process is determined by the fact that the adverse effects of skin loss lead to rapid depletion of the already initially reduced mechanisms of adaptation of the pregnant woman’s body and, often, the inability to ensure the safe development of the fetus. Therefore, thermal trauma increases the risk of spontaneous abortions and premature birth. In turn, physiological changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman can affect the regeneration processes of a burn wound. According to various authors, the incidence of burns in pregnant women is 5-7%. In most literature sources, information is provided by reports from the developing countries in which the main cause of injury is the domestic use of kerosene, as well as an attempt of suicide by self-immolation. The determining factors of the outcome of thermal injury for the pregnant woman and her fetus are the severity of the burn and the gestation period.
Keywords: thermal injury, burn, skin, pregnancy, fetus.


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Information about authors:
T.V. Kovalchuk-Bolbatun – Candidate of Medical Sciences, lecturer of the 2nd Chair of Surgical Diseases, Grodno State Medical University,
e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Tat’yana V. Kovalchuk-Bolbatun;
D.D. Stasevich – the 4th-year student of the Pediatric Faculty, Grodno State Medical University.

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