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A.V. Simchenko, E.A. Ulezko, M.G. Devyaltovskaya
Organization of the follow-up service for premature infants in the Republic of Belarus
Republican Scientific and Practical Center «Mother and Child», Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2024;23(2):29-34.

Follow-up observation is a form of organizing specialized medical care for premature infants in order to reduce the risks of developing persistent disorders of body functions and limitations in life activity due to perinatal pathology. The article presents the characteristic features of organizing follow-up observation of premature babies in the Republic of Belarus. A significant contribution to the nosological structure of patients observed in follow-up rooms is made by pathologies that, in accordance with ICD-10, belong to the class “Diseases of the nervous system” (delayed developmental stages), “Diseases of the respiratory system” (bronchopulmonary dysplasia and its consequences), “Diseases of the eye and its adnexal apparatus” (retinopathy of prematurity). The work of the follow-up service makes it possible to effectively correct deviations caused by the peculiarities of the nervous system maturation, taking into account the individual development profile of a premature baby and concomitant somatic pathology. The activities of early intervention centers are an integral element in providing assistance to premature babies and lead to high results.
Keywords: follow-up observation, premature babies, follow-up observation room, perinatal pathology, habilitation, early intervention.


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Information about authors:
A.V. Simchenko – Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor, head of the monitoring information and methodological department of child health, Republican Scientific and Practical Center «Mother and Child»,
e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Anna V. Simchenko;
E.A. Ulezko – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, deputy director for pediatrics, Republican Scientific and Practical Center «Mother and Child»;
M.G. Devyaltovskaya – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, head of the Laboratory of Health Problems of Children and Adolescents, Republican Scientific and Practical Center «Mother and Child».

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