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Kolbasova E.A.,  Kiseleva N.I., Arestova I.M.
Comparative clinical and hormonal characteristic of health status and life quality of women with surgical and natural menopause

Objectives. To make a comparative clinical and laboratory evaluation of the health status of women with surgical and natural menopause and explore their life quality.
Material and methods. The study included 213 perimenopausal women: 98 women with surgical menopause (I group), 75 women with natural menopause (II group), 40 women at late reproductive and premenopausal age (control group). The severity of menopausal syndrome (modified menopausal Kupperman-Uvarova index), quality of life (SF-36 questionnaire), the severity of depression (Beck Depression Inventory), hormone levels (radioimmunoassay) were determined.
Results. The mild climacteric syndrome was detected in 34,7% of female patients with surgical menopause and 56,0% of women with natural menopause; the moderate climacteric syndrome - in 56,1% and 40% of female patients; severe climacteric syndrome - in 9,2% and 4% of women, respectively. The symptoms of depression were observed in 83,7% of patients of the first group, in 70,7% of patients of the second group and in 15,0% of women of the control group. Life quality of the women in Group I was by 9,2% lower than that of women in Group II (p<0,01) and by 23,5% lower than that of women in the control group (p<0,001). In surgically menopausal women FSH and LH content 8,7 times and 6,2 times exceeded the indices of the control group; in women with natural menopause - 7,8 times and 5,4 times, respectively (p<0,001). Estradiol and progesterone content in women of the first group was by 18,2% and 27,8%, respectively, lower than that of the second group and was statistically significantly different from that of the control group (p<0,001).
Conclusions. In patients after bilateral ovariectomy compared to those with natural menopause we revealed a more pronounced deficiency of sex hormones, manifested in the rising levels of FSH and LH and simultaneously  reducing levels of estradiol, progesterone, more severe menopausal symptoms, depressive disorders, decreased physical and social activity, emotional status and general health status.
Key words: postmenopause, quality of life, modified menopausal index, depression, hormones.


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