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Timchenko O. I., Linchak O.V., Protsyuk O.V., Mikitenko D.A., Koba O.P., Sizonenko O.V., Kachko G.A.
Reproductive behavior of women in the Ukraine (2012 review)

Objectives. To evaluate reproductive behavior of women in the Ukraine.
Material and methods. Official statements of Ministry of Public Health of the Ukraine served as primary materials. The information concerning the quantity of women and their age distribution was obtained from official web-site of State Statistics Service of the Ukraine. Reproductive behavior of women was assessed by the following parameters: the number of deliveries; miscarriages, legal abortions by different methods, legal abortions on pregnancy within 12-22 weeks (by indications on the part either of a mother or a fetus); monitoring in antenatal clinics; use of oral hormonal contraceptives or intrauterine spirals; infertility. Specific weight of women was calculated. The difference at p<0,05 was considered to be reliable.
Results. Because of pregnancy 8,23% of women were monitored in antenatal clinics. Pregnancy outcomes were as follows: deliveries – 5,13%, spontaneous abortions – 0,17% (in 72,49% out of them the period of gestation was up to 12 weeks). Pregnancy was either terminated by legal abortions or prevented (by means of oral contraceptives or intrauterine spirals) in 40,76% of women. 14,69% of children were born sick or fell ill during early neonatal period, 0,86 % died during perinatal period, 4,55% of alive-born children were premature, 5,31% weighed 2,5 kg or less that testified to the reduced level of their adaptive reserves and would influence their health in the future.
Conclusions. Further investigation of the reproductive behavior of women with regions of their residence taken into account is needed in order to determine possible reserves of birth rate increase.
Key words: infertility, pregnancy loss, contraception, newborns.


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