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Kravchun P.G., Delevskaya V.Y.
Correlation of  bronchial obstruction with diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in patients with arterial hypertension and concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Objectives: To investigate the left ventricle diastolic function, depending on the degree of bronchial obstruction in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) in combination with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Material and methods: We examined 48 patients with AH and COPD of the 2nd and the 3rd stages. Respiratory function (RF) was determined by spirometry, diastolic left ventricle function – by echocardiography.
Results: Left ventricle diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) was found in 83% of hypertensive patients with COPD, while in patients with AH and COPD of the 2nd stage – in 86%, and in patients with AH and COPD of the 3rd stage  – in 100% of cases. The predominant type of LVDD in hypertensive patients with COPD of the 2nd stage was relaxation impairment type (73%), while in patients with hypertension and COPD of the 3rd stage, alongside with relaxation impairment type (64%) with the greatest frequency pseudonormal type was detected (28%). Direct relationships between early diastolic filling velocity (E), E / A ratio and respiratory function parameters and inverse correlation between late diastolic filling velocity (A) and respiratory function parameters were found.
Conclusions: The obtained results  may testify to the pathogenetic role of bronchial obstruction in the development and progression of LVDD in hypertensive patients with COPD.
Key words: bronchial obstruction, left ventricle diastolic dysfunction, arterial hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


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