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Korozhan N.V., Buzuk G.N.
Stabilizing effect of Bidens tripartita herb and Bidens frondosa herb on mast cell membranes
Education establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University", Belarus

The aim of this research was to study antiallergic activity of Bidens tripartita and Bidens frondosa herbs infusions and tinctures on the model of membrane stabilization of mast cells in vitro.
The study was carried out on three groups of mongrel male mice, each including 5 animals. The epidermal cat’s hair allergen was used for sensitization, to dye isolated mast cells 0,1% toluidine blue solution was made use of, 5 mg/ml sodium cromoglycate solution was used as a reference drug.
Stabilizing effect of infusions and tinctures on mast cell membranes was dose-dependent. The greatest reduction in the degranulated mast cells number was noted when adding 10 mg/ml infusions or tinctures (from 19-22% to 5-10%). The decrease of the dose resulted in less marked stabilizing effect on mast cell membranes.
Degranulated mast cells number statistically significantly (p<0,05) differed from that in the control. Calculated ED50 values for the tested medicines were not significantly different for any of various forms based on a specific raw material or for the same forms based on different raw materials. Statistically significant differences in the stabilizing effect of infusions and tinctures of Bidens species in the dose of 10 mg/ml and sodium cromoglycate solution were not detected (p<0,05).
Bidens species components of infusions and tinctures didn’t possess any potential to cause anaphylactoid reactions in the studied doses.
Thus Bidens species infusions and tinctures produced marked stabilizing effect on mast cell membranes in vitro. Based on the obtained data, Bidens frondosa herb may be recommended as an antiallergic agent together with Bidens tripartita herb. The choice of the form from the raw material in question is based only upon the convenience of its application.
Key words: Bidens herb, stabilization of mast cell membranes, half-maximum effect dose, sodium cromoglycate.


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