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Elyashevich E.G.
New functions of a pharmacist at the present stage of the development of pharmacy

The purpose of this research was to study the function of drugstores pharmacists at the present stage of the development of pharmacy. Nowadays, the population goes to drugstores not only because of diseases, but also for their prophylaxis and health maintenance. The roles, functions of a pharmacist as well as the requirements set to him or her are changing. Not only trade turnover, but also the health of a patient depend on the professional knowledge communication skills of a pharmacist. Pharmaceutical consulting and pharmaceutical care in general are the decisive factors in improving the life quality of the population.
Pharmacists perform a number of functions connected with the researches, development and manufacturing of drugs, the assessment of their quality, licensing of the pharmaceutical activities, marketing researches of the pharmaceutical market, drugs distribution, storage, realization, monitoring and training.
In different countries of the world, pharmacists also perform the functions not directly connected with the realization of drugs at the drugstores: they provide the simplest medical services (blood pressure measurement, determination of blood glucose, cholesterol, hemoglobin, influenza vaccination, and others), prescribe drugs, carry out cosmetic procedures, monitor the process of treating patients at home and in the hospital.
The implementation of the role of a pharmacist is brought about through the changes of educational plans and curricila of specialists training by means of enhancing the clinical and pharmacological bias of the practical training, competence approach, incorporation of new disciplines.
Key words: pharmacist, functions, pharmaceutical care, pharmaceutical counseling.


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