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Pravada N.S., Budritsky A.M.
Clinical and immunological characteristics of patients with common forms of pulmonary tuberculosis
Education establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University"

In this article we have analyzed the main clinical and some immunological features of newly revealed patients with common forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. The estimation of the amount of monocytes with receptors to interferon-gamma (IFN-I) has been performed by flow cytometry. The determination of the IFN-a concentration in the blood  serum has been carried out by ELISA. The obtained results have shown that the common forms of tuberculosis are characterized by marked clinical symptoms and changes in the total blood count (leukocytosis, increase in the relative and absolute number of band and segmented leukocytes, reduction in the relative number of lymphocytes, relative and absolute monocytosis, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate). Clinical manifestations of tuberculosis depend on the clinical form and the presence of multiple drug resistance (MDR). In patients with common forms of pulmonary tuberculosis the number of monocytes with receptors to IFN-c is 3,3 times greater than that in healthy donors. With the increase in the area of lung damage the number of monocytes with receptors CD45+CD14++CD119+ rises. Tuberculous patients with MDR have significantly more monocytes with receptors CD45+CD14+CD119++ in 1  l of blood compared with patients without MDR. The concentration of IFN-t in patients is greater than that in healthy donors. In healthy donors there is a direct correlation dependence of the concentration of IFN-  in the blood serum on the number of monocytes with receptors CD45+CD14++CD119+ (r=0,71, p<0,05). In patients with common forms of tuberculosis this relationship is regarded as weak inverse (r=-0,335, p<0,05), which may testify to the disturbance of the functional activity of IFN-<< receptor.
Key words: tuberculosis, interferon-gamma, monocytes with receptors to interferon-gamma.


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