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Syusyuka V.G.
The estimation of dehydroepiandrosterol sulfate role in adaptation mechanisms of the pregnant women with psychoemotional state disorders
Zaporozhye State Medical University, the Ukraine

Objectives. To estimate the role of dehydroepiandrosterol sulfate in adaptation mechanisms of the pregnant women with psychoemotional state disorders.  
Material and methods. 65 pregnant women with gestation term of 26-32 weeks were examined. The average age of the examined women made up 26,9±0,95years. Psychoemotional state of the pregnant women was estimated on the basis of the structured interview, questionnairing and psychological tests. Qantitative estimation of dehydroepiandrosterol sulfate (mkg/ml) and cortisol (ng/ml) in blood plasma was carried out with the method of immune-enzyme analysis by means of «SIRIO S» device using DRG test system (USA).
Results. During the estimation of interrelation of the investigated hormones with anxiety level the positive correlation of the state anxiety with C level (r=+0,695, p<0,05) and DHEAS (r=+0,317, p<0,05) was determined and we also noticed high positive relation of the trait anxiety with the level of DHEAS (r=+0,632, p<0,05) and  low positive relation with C level (r=+0,267, p<0,05).
Characterizing C level and DHEAS in the pregnant women with middle and high level of state anxiety (481,0±44,98 ng/ml and 1,59±0,25 mkg/ml, correspondingly) statistically reliable prevalence (p<0,05) over the correspondent indices among the pregnant women with anxiety level of 30 points and less (337,0±25,14 ng/ml and 1,21±0,32 mkg/ml, correspondingly) was found.
Conclusion. The estimation of DHEAS and C ratio did not permit us to determine any statistically reliable difference (p>0,05) between the index of the main (0,0034±0,0005) and the control (0,0035±0,0008) groups and it enables us to suppose compensatory role of DHEAS level with respect to C level and its possible destructive effect
Key words: pregnancy, psychoemotional state, anxiety, adaptation, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterol sulfate.


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