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Vlasenko E.K., Sychik S.I., Stelmakh V.A., Ilyukova I.I., Grynchak V.A.
The peculiarities of hexyl ester of 5-aminolevulinic acid influence on the reproductive functions of white rats
Scientific Practical Center of Hygiene, Republic of Belarus

Toxicological studies concerning the effect of a promising plant growth regulator - hexyl ester of 5-aminolevulinic acid (H-ALA) on the functioning of the reproductive system of white rats have been carried out. In experiments on female white rats the combined scheme proposed by A.A. Dinerman was used, which allows to register embryotropic and teratogenic effects, taking into account the dynamics of the offspring development in the postnatal period. The presence of congenital malformations of the internal organs of embryos has been determined with the use of sagittal sections method proposed by W.Wilson. It has been found out that on different modes of single and repeated intragastric preparation administration in massive doses, there were no signs of marked (teratogenic) effect on the fetus. A single intragastric administration of H-ALA to females in a dose, multiple of 1/2 of DL50ac (3900 mg/kg) on the first and the fourth days of pregnancy did not lead to the development of embryotropic effects. At the same time, the introduction of the indicated dose of H-ALA to females on the ninth day of pregnancy led to the retardation of physical development of their offspring in terms of weight and body length by the 60-th day of observation. Under the conditions of daily intragastric administration to females of H-ALA in the dose of 195 mg/kg throughout the whole period of pregnancy embryotropic effects have not been identified (inactive level of exposure).
The experiments aimed at the study of gonadotropic action were carried out on male mongrel white rats on daily doses of intragastric administration of H-ALA multiple of 1/20 and 1/80 of DL50ac (440 mg/kg and 110 mg/kg, respectively) for 30 days. The daily intragastric administration of H-ALA in the dose of 440 mg/kg to male rats exerted gonadotropic effect, which was manifested in an increase in the relative weight ratios of the testes and the reduction in the duration of spermatozooids movement. Inactive level of H-ALA according to gonadotropic effect indices which made up 110 mg/kg has been determined.
Key words: hexyl ester of 5-aminolevulinic acid, toxicity, reproductive functions.


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