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Veremchuk O.A., Moiseyev D.V.
The investigation of heather shoots tincture safety profile
Education Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University", Republic of Belarus

The investigation of toxicity is one of the requirements for giving evidence of safety of the drug and for its marketing authorization. The admission of plant raw materials and drugs of plant origin to industrial production and medicinal usage is made on the same basis as for synthetic drugs.
Objectives. To evaluate the parameters of acute and subchronic toxicity of common heather shoots tincture.
Material and methods. Common heather shoots tincture was the object of the study. The investigation of acute and subchronic toxicity was carried out using laboratory animals (rats and mice), in accordance with the general recommendations. The requirements of humane treatment of animals were met in this work.
Results. It has been revealed, that common heather shoots tincture was able to cause death in 50% of animals in a dose of 13308,5 mg/kg. It did not cause any statistically significant (p>0,05) changes in hematological and biochemical indices and had no negative impact on the general condition and health of the animals while long-term oral administration (during one month). In the maximum dose (160 mg/kg) it could exhibit an adaptogenic activity.
Conclusion. On the basis of the conducted study common heather shoots tincture can be classified as the Class VI of danger, according to the modified classification of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). When administered orally during one month in the therapeutic doses common heather shoots tincture does not cause any toxic effects in laboratory animals.
Key words: acute toxicity, subchronic toxicity, common heather, tincture.


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